“Anak, cleanliness is close to Godliness”

Today Erin and I arrived at the CFC office around 8am (pretty early hehe)
so we decided to do some cleaning.. vacuuming, dusting and a little organizing.

Cleaning– reminded me of what my mom use to (and until now) tell us to get us to clean..
“Like your bodies, the space you use and dwell in is the temple of the Holy Spirit. how can you invite Him to stay in such a dirty place? Anak, cleanliness is close to Godliness”

Which is true.. like our bodies that need a bath daily, like how our souls need cleansing on a regular basis.. so does our rooms/surroundings/place of dwelling
it first starts of in our rooms 🙂
then it spreads to our whole house
then it spreads out to other rooms in other venues even if the place is not ours.. we were/are still part of that place..
then it spreads out even more the world as a whole.. Greeneration!

Atehs and Kuyas, how can we invite the Lord if we’re not fully prepared and we’re a complete mess po?
I am guilty of postponing a good “cleaning session” because either busy, lazy or “I just did it 2 days ago”
Let us strive to always have our place(s) clean and prepared.. ready to welcome our Lord in 🙂
#wastemanagementcommittee FTW (hehe ;P)

“make ready your heart, make ready your home.. Prepare..”

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