Ahh, the Beauty!

I’m currently enjoying a leisurely and somewhat business-oriented trip in good old BC, and within the course of a week, the Lord has chosen to reveal himself in ways that I would have never imagined.

I came to BC for an interview with their Catholic school board and to possibly fulfill my dream of becoming a Catholic schoolteacher. In the last two days, I spent a good portion of my time applying to numerous Catholic schools in Vancouver, hoping to find a job and possibly getting my foot in the door.

My original intention was to submit as many resumes as I possibly could and desperately try to rub elbows with every principal I encounter. However, when I applied to the first school on my list, something had deeply moved my heart.

When I entered that first school and encountered my first principal, the first thing I did was observe my surroundings: the students, the teachers, the atmosphere, the physical environment… everything! It’s a bit difficult to explain, but I felt such a strong sense of love in my surroundings and in the interactions that I had witnessed. What I saw before me was a community so rich in faith and so deeply rooted in Christ that I was in awe.

As I continued to visit different schools, the feeling of awe never waned, as each school had such an apparent and unique Catholic identity. What began as a business trip became a beautiful journey of encountering Christ and his greatness in different, yet equally beautiful ways.

Oh dearest Lord! I Thank you for revealing yourself to me and for strengthening my resolve as a Catholic educator. Please guide me so that I may never lose sight of my purpose, and I pray that you may always teach me to be confident in the educator that you have moulded me to be

2 thoughts on “Ahh, the Beauty!”

  1. Nica, you should have applied in Alberta!! But on second thought, maybe you are trying to avoid the harsh winters? take care and God bless!

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