A Woman of God

During my sisters household, our topic for this month was centred on the question: “What does it mean to be a woman of God?”

As someone who is surrounded by wonderful Catholic women, I struggled to find an answer. Not because I do not have any but because I believe that you can’t summarize what a woman of God is in just one word or in one sentence. It seems impossible! And so, I began to reflect on this question deeper.

Here are some of the things I believe a woman of God is. Note: There are many more things I could write, but here are some of the first ones that come to mind.

She is strong, but she is not afraid to show her weaknesses because she is comfortable being vulnerable with God and with others.
She is obedient because she trusts in God her Saviour.
She is compassionate, as she is capable to empathize and connect with others.
She is joyful in the good times, as well as in her sufferings.
She is patient because she is always hopeful for the future.
And she is beautiful just the way she is, because God made her so.

As these answers came to mind I thought of someone who I think mirrors these things best. She has slowly but surely become one of my greatest friends! – MAMA MARY. 

Thank you, mama for inspiring me every day and for allowing me to witness such a great example of what it means to be a woman of God through the life you lived.