A Mother and Friend

Last week, the GTA completed their first ever Best Weekend retreat. While I was there I was able to witness many families grow together in faith, in hope and in love.

Since it was the first ever BW to happen in Toronto, I had the chance to be a participant as well together with my plus-one, my mother. Although she wasn’t able to stay for the whole event, we still had time together, making memories I know I will cherish for the rest of my life.

As the retreat went on, I slowly started to realize something very important with my mom…My mom is starting to get old!

Now I’m not trying to be funny nor am I trying to offend her (I mean she may be in her 50s but she can still do many things — she’s a real life superhero I tell ya!).
But in all seriousness, in realizing that my mom is getting older it also made me reflect on the concept of time. Now I’m sure we’ve all heard this before but time is something we should never take for granted. Time is always moving and since we have no control over it, we should always try our best to spend quality time with our loved ones before it’s too late.

I care about my mom very dearly and the thought of her getting older does in all honesty, scare me. Although we may bud heads and get on each others nerves at times, I know in my heart that the Lord has blessed me with her and that she is one of the gifts God sent me.

Thus, for this blog post I would simply like to honour my mom through a prayer.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of my mom. Thank You for placing her in my life and for giving me someone who reflects Your Mother, Mama Mary, so beautifully. I
pray for her health, may You continue to watch over her and keep her happy and healthy, especially as she continues to grow older. I would also like to lift up her work, that You may allow her to see the blessings in her job and that You remove any stresses that come from it too. I pray for her servant heart as well. May she remain faithful to You in both the good and difficult times, and may she trust in Your loving care always. Lastly I pray for our mother-daughter relationship.
May we learn to be more patient with each other and always try our best to respect, care and love as You do with us. Thank You again for my mom and I just lift all the glory and praise to You through this prayer.


*Thank you mom for being you – for being my prayer warrior, a shoulder to cry on when I’m sad, for being my protector when I get hurt, shopping buddy, my lighthouse when I’m lost, my go-to when I need advice, my #1 cheerleader, my supporter, and of course my friend! I love you.

Danielle Lape