A Diamond With a Flaw is Worth More Than a Pebble Without Imperfections

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another” – Proverbs 27:17

You always hear this verse put into action with brothers. I have literally seen them after brothers forums, beating their chests and shouting what seem to be war-cries. Kewl? But it is true, although people can bring out the best in others, it takes a true man to show how a brother should act. And it takes a true woman to exemplify how a sister should act.

I have always surrounded myself with strong, faithful brothers. I became tough. I started taking on roles I had no right taking. I started disregarding what the brothers could do for me, because I believed I could do it myself. But as they would go off to brothers forums and their households, I was left wondering how I should be.

My brothers and sisters, a diamond is one of the strongest materials on Earth. So strong and resistant that they are only cut with other diamonds. Try and use iron to shape a diamond and you’ll be out of luck. It is the same with us.

Although I love my brothers – my strong, protective brothers who lead me and guide me, I truly grow with my sisters. With their love and support and, most importantly, their examples, I can truly say that I am becoming a better woman. I am learning to live out my role as a daughter of God.

Iron may sharpen iron, but only diamonds can sharpen diamonds.