
Since the beginning of September, I have been blessed with many moments in my livelihood as a teacher. I think yesterday topped them all.

I was called in to substitute a Christian Education 8 class and I had to continue with the lesson on Noah and the Flood. These students were very hesitant and I could tell they did not like talking in front of the class which is often expected of Grade 8s. The teacher left me with a question to help lead a class discussion. The first one asked the students, “When have their been times in your life in which you wanted to do something but you didn’t because you were afraid of what others would think of you?” I had them discuss in groups of 3 or 4 first before bringing the class together. The typical responses came about – avoiding the girl eating lunch by herself, afraid of wearing her unique style, not playing their favourite sport because a certain other sport was more favourable among his friends. I asked what do all of these stories have in common and the answer simply was fear and judgment.

I then asked them to think about a time in their life where God was telling them to do something but were afraid to do it because of the ridicule and mockery they would get from their friends and family. Many students became totally open, talking about their love for God and their hesitancy to go to mass by themselves or to ask their family to go with them. And then all of a sudden it started to click for them. To help them out, I asked how many of them watched the movie “Evan Almighty” and you could tell from their faces that they started to really enjoy the lesson I was delivering and we talked about Evan’s life before the call, during the call, and after the call. They were getting so excited at this point. See, people though that Noah and Evan were completely mental – receiving a message from God to build an ark in preparation for the flood. They were ridiculed and mocked because of their faith in believing that this message was true. Their families must have thought they were crazy as well!

One student in particular got my thinking gears going even more. She shared about how she loved reading stories from the Bible, she loved praying, she totally and completely loved God and was proud that she could remember the stories from the Bible so well. Then she started to forget because she knew that her friends didn’t care for that stuff, thought of her as weird and a Jesus-lover. I asked how she felt because of these judgements and she told me that she was really sad.

And so I asked this question, “How many of you have a favourite sport you play or thing you do?” And everyone’s hands shot up. I had examples of playing basketball, singing, dancing, performing, everything and anything. I asked why they loved doing these things and they said because they were totally passionate for it. I asked do they love playing with others and performing in front of others and sharing what they love with others and they said yes, yes, yes!

And so, (the build up, because teaching is a performative art), I finally said, “If we are so keen, so passionate, so willing to share something we love to and with others, why is it that we are so hesitant and afraid to share to others about someone we love?”

I received a round of applause after I said this and I could tell that they understood where I was getting at. They left the classroom saying bye to me and that this was their favourite Christian Ed class yet.

Why is it though when we are faced with issues of faith we shrivel up and keep to ourselves? Why is it that we are afraid to go as the Spirit leads us with the gifts we are given to bring the kingdom of God here on Earth? Why do we hesitate to invite our friend and family members to CLPs and camps so that they can grow in their relationship with Christ?

So today, think about situations where you can defend your faith, to share the love you have for the Lord to others through random acts of kindness. And if you can’t share, then ask yourselves how you can grow in the Spirit and grow in your relationship with Him by getting to know Him more through the Sacraments or learning more about him by reading the Bible or the Catechism.

What is your passion? How can you use this to bring the love of God to others in your life?

Published by

Kevin Solis

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7

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