
“Your success is the measure of My Will and Mind that you have revealed to those around you. Your success is the measure of My Will that those around you have seen worked out in your lives.”

With a little less than a month left here, many of couldn’t help but feel like there simply isn’t enough time. We’ve had to reschedule, cancel, and change the dynamics of some of our days due to an unanticipated addition of other events that we didn’t expect would be added to our schedule. In the midst of all the worries, I was brought to this page in the book, “God Calling”.

Sometimes, even as missionaries, we don’t notice ourselves tilting the balance. Yes, there are so many things to do and it is so easy to forget that our plans were never ours in the first place.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
‘For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and return not thither but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater”
(Isaiah 55: 8-10)

In these times, I’ve realized that it is not so much about the output sometimes as it is about our conduct. Even in stress, disorder, and disaster, how much do we exemplify the love of God? How much greater do we really prove God to be in our lives? Though we may be caught in a mindset where we think that much is expected of us (no matter how true or false it may be), often times we must humbly bring ourselves back to the basics… above all, we are called to be a vessel of Christ’s transforming love first. And when we begin with this, His love leads us to where there is rest… free of doubt, free of hatred, free of jealousy, free of anger… just simply a dwelling place of Love. Beyond trainings, events, teachings and all other modules, I believe that it is important that when we are sent somewhere, the first mission is to always bring Christ to others, and all else will follow.
