
A few months ago, I remember going out for a celebratory lunch for my coworker who had just received a promotion. During the lunch, she turned to me, looked me right in the eye and said, “There is nothing more important than employment stability.”

My instant reaction was along the lines of, “Why would she say that to me considering my situation?” My contract was coming to an end, I have opted not to renew it, and I am diving right back into the deep dark pool of unemployment.

However, right behind this feeling was that of great relief and peace. Relief in knowing that I am not bound by the world’s definition of “success,” and peace in knowing that I am in search of greater things than “employment stability.”

Because not even the most stable career can outdo the stability we find in Him.

“Shaken, created things will pass away, so that only what is unshaken may remain. Wherefore, we who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should hold fast to God’s grace.” – Heb 12:27-28