Reach beyond our limits.

I just came from a Liveloud practice and one of the questions asked during the practice was what does Liveloud mean to you? And how have you been living loud?

What does it mean to live?

To live is to stumble, to get hurt, to feel pain, to laugh, to struggle, to be serious but at the end of the day still have that smile on your face for you know that despite all the things that happened, the Lord is still in control, and for every end, there’s a new beginning.

To live is to die to oneself and let Christ be revealed to the world through you. To live is to let other people not see you but see Christ through you. To live is to be Christ-like.

What does it mean to be loud?

To be loud is to reach beyond our limits. To give everything I have and everything I can when I feel like there’s nothing else to give. To keep on trusting the Lord that everything we do, we can do it for our God is limitless. To be loud is to reach beyond our limits. To reach beyond what we can. To reach beyond what I can reach.

When I was in the room where we were practising earlier, one statement really captured my attention. It was the statement written on the picture of Mother Mary. It says “Put your faith in my Son, Jesus Christ.”

This message really struck me because I was affirmed of what have I’ve been doing, been experiencing, and been discerning for. This is what it means to Liveloud.

LIVELOUD: Putting our full trust on Jesus Christ, despite everything else. To live Christ-like, reaching beyond our limits.

Praise God!