Woman and Man

(Pope Francis on Marriage) “…a man and woman walking together, wherein the husband helps his wife to become ever more a woman, and wherein the woman has the task of helping her husband to become ever more a man.”

You would’ve thought that he would’ve said, “the husband helps his wife to become a better woman … a better man,” but he didn’t. He simply said “ever more a woman” and “ever more a man.” I think he was careful to say this to gently remind all of us that to be a “better” man or woman, one only needs to be who he/she is meant to be—a person created in the image and likeness of God. A husband and wife help each other do just that—to discover the masculine and feminine genius within each other.

For women, they help by allowing their husbands love and honour them as Christ loved and honoured His Church. For men, it’s laying down his life as Christ laid down his life for His Church, His bride. As one, it’s journeying wherein both are constantly encouraging and affirming each other of their growth as being ever more that man or that woman of God they were created to be.

He also mentions “walking together.” No one is ahead of the other. They are side by side, walking and not rushing the growth of love between them. Though it’s not a passive walk. It is a task, and the journey toward becoming a man/woman and helping each other must be intentional, so we make it our duty.

I look forward to this journey with my fiancé. I am definitely not the man who I feel God is calling me to be—not yet. I have a lot of work to do, and God has a lot of work to do in me. I’m grateful that He’s blessed me with a sister in Christ to help me be ever more a man.

Saints are those who became the man or woman God called them to be. I pray for all those already joined in marriage, that they may continue with great patience, to help each other become saints. Please pray for me as well.
