Embrace the People in Your Life

It is amazing how people who used to be strangers to us become our best buddy, our companion, our counterpart, our best friend and even a lifetime partner (GG or God’s Gift, as what we call it in CFC Community). I love to meet new people and start a new friendship. It is always exciting. But the hardest part in any relationship is when you reached (well, not “The End”) just the parting time. I don’t want to say “the end” because why do we have to put an end to something beautiful.

People are gifts. People in our lives were put there for a reason. That is a concept almost all of us already know. But remember that the same concept applies when God has to take people away from our lives. He HAS A REASON. Perhaps you are too focused on that person and God wants you to focus on something else… perhaps God wants to bless you with something/someone which you’re able to receive only when those people are  not in the picture… or perhaps simply because the role of that person in our lives is over, or our role in their lives is over. Yes, different people in our lives play different roles – to ease our pain, to wake us up into a reality, to make us grow in faith, to get us into our job, and sometimes, to lead us into someone special in our lives. Basically, to fulfill God’s purpose in us.

What we have to realize too, is that when God takes away some people from our lives, sometimes it is just temporary… especially when God only wants to tell us something, when He wants us to do something, or preparing us for something great. And when His purpose is fulfilled, HE brings those people back into our lives – again, when we’re ready.

I once said “Letting go is an art no one has ever mastered”, because really it is hard. I don’t know how many times I cried over people. I got hurt, I was left out, I was betrayed, I was rejected, I was denied. But man… looking back in all those times, I can only thank and love God for making all those things happen. And I could personally tell, God knows what He’s doing.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “’ For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” What other question could we have?

Friends, embrace the people who are in your lives right now. Their role in you might be over soon. But then again, don’t be afraid to let go. Trust God’s plans. Believe in God’s love. 🙂