Thank You

For food that nourishes my body,
for clothes that protect my body,
for a home that provides me shelter,
I am ever so grateful, Father.

For the gift of education,
for a profession that allows me to serve others,
for the opportunity to lead others closer to You,
I am ever so grateful, Father.

I thank You for placing people in my life who love me, care about me, support me, guide me, and never gave up on me.

I thank You for the gift of family,
for the gift of friendships,
for the gift of the Couples for Christ community,
which you have blessed to help mould me in the person that I am today.

Sometimes I don’t realize, especially when I am having a hard time, how much the Lord has blessed me and continues to bless me. It is so easy to complain and to focus on what is missing or lacking, in my weaknesses and shortcomings, especially when I sin. But God loves unconditionally and eternally. There is nothing that I could do to make God stop loving me. To persevere and to deny myself, is but a small fraction of His sacrifice on the cross. I desire to be transformed by Christ’s love.

“Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also my servant will be. The Father will honour whoever serves me.” JOHN 12:24-26

For the Gospels, Sacraments,
teachings, and readings that nourishes my soul,
I am ever so grateful Father.

For the households, one on ones, assemblies,
and conferences that allow me to journey with others in pursuing you,
I am ever so grateful Father.

I thank You for the gift of faith,
for the gift of hope,
for the gift of love,
which you have blessed to help me strive to live a life centred in You.