The One Thing I Ask

On Monday, I gave a teaching to the SFCs here in Vancouver on discernment. I did not question the discernment of my pastoral heads who gave me this talk because I really think this is exactly what I needed. I spent a weekend working through this talk – wondering what points I needed to emphasize, making sure my animations are on point, that my jokes were inserted properly and subtly throughout my talk.

The day of the teaching, I had to be at work. I had no time to review my talk going from work to the venue. Buses and skytrains were full so I couldn’t exactly pull out my talk outline and make sure that my powerpoint was okay. And to be honest, going into it, I was not totally confident in giving it.

After being prayed over and having our teaching night delayed a little bit, I was able to ask God simply to let His Spirit speak through me. And I heard Him say this:

God wants nothing from us but us.

God doesn’t just make us go through our daily struggles, our favourite sins, and be done with us. He doesn’t send us to court a sister/be courted by a brother and then in a couple months time realize that he/she is not the One and abandon us. He doesn’t call us to serve for TNC to the fullest only to leave us by our lonesome when all is said and done. He wants us, totally and completely. Especially in discernment, He wants to be included in our choices between the good and greater good, the greater good being His will for us. If we choose the greater good, brothers and sisters, why can’t we trust that the Lord will bless us in the fullest because we chose what He wants for us?

“This is my cry, my one desire, just to be where You are Lord, now and forever.”

Let us remember, brothers and sisters, that when we are faced with difficult decisions, Jesus Christ faced the most difficult decision of all. Let us also remember the words He spoke in the garden of Gethsemane when we offer our choices, our will, to God:

“Yet not what I want, but what You want.” – Matthew 28:39


Published by

Kevin Solis

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7

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