
How many times have I heard the common complaint, “I have so many things to do,” or “I have so many things on my mind,” leading up to the bottom line, “It/ He/ She/ This is SO INCONVENIENT! …It’s just not the right timing.” These words have almost become a staple phrase in our every-day lives, and it is often passively said, but completely meant. I have even caught myself saying these things a few times… and maybe one too many.

“This is so INCONVENIENT!”

When one lives in complete trust in the Lord, the last line can never prove to be more true than ever: “It’s just not the right timing!” YES. This becomes true because it really isn’t the right timing anymore, but rather, PERFECT TIMING. The Lord works in PERFECT TIMING, and no matter how “inconvenient” that moment may be, it is a revelation that the Lord waits to reveal to us. But if we’re caught up in the complaints or the attitude of carrying a burden, then our hearts will never notice how the Lord has intricately placed His Presence in that moment.

“Inconvenience” is a blessing.

We are given moments where we are uncomfortable and/or put to the test so that we can learn to combat the uneasiness with complete, submissive trust. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and rely not on your own insight.” (Proverbs 3: 5) Often times, the reason why it feels inconvenient is because we are afraid or unsure of the task that lies ahead. Often times, it is more because we really just don’t know, or the journey that lays ahead seems impossible and then we end up making the important thing – because it is challenging – the last priority. But this is where it becomes a blessing. When we let go of those fears, those thoughts and those anxieties and DECIDE to move forward, regardless, that is the moment where we can say, “I am walking and living in hope, love and FAITH.” 

When it comes to the Lord, NOTHING WILL EVER BE INCONVENIENT. In fact, with God, we will always see that everything is given to us IN CONVENIENCE because we carry an understanding that whether or not it is something we can do or not, or something we’d like to do or not, it is an anointing because He has carefully chosen us to be a piece of the plan He has set so carefully and so precisely. Therefore, our only response to this blessing can only be a response in choice…

We must CHOOSE to SAY YES to THE THINGS/ TASKS HE HAS ANOINTED US WITH, without conditions, without complaints, without hesitation, but with prayer and a grateful heart.

With this attitude, we will then see that God is Who makes all things convenient in our lives. He becomes our Convenience, and in this, we can say…

When we live with the Lord deeply in our hearts, we live only IN Convenience, and nothing less.