Because I’m Happy

Ever since TNC, I have been filled with so much joy in my life, seeing the positive out of everything. And the Lord has been nothing short of good in my life.

We opened today’s Educational Psychology lecture with the instructor playing Pharell’s “Happy” and, if you know me, you would know that I can’t help but dance. So, from my chair, while everyone else was just doing whatever, I danced and clapped along to the song.

We looked at Kübler-Ross’s 5 stages of Grief and we applied it to our experience in the Bachelor of Education program. Our instructor asked for examples from us to share and I decided to volunteer. Before I could share however, she asked what my name was and told me in front of everyone else in the lecture hall that she really liked me. I was hesitant to ask why but when I did the answer was so simple  – because I always smiled at her. In a class of 150 students, she would be able to point me out in the crowd because I always smiled at her. That brought total joy to her heart and certainly to mine.

I decided to share about my feelings in a lecture of about 150 aspiring educators. Ever since Grade 6, I’ve known that I was always going to be a teacher. However, since I joined the Mission Volunteer Program, I’ve felt the Lord tug on my heartstrings towards a path that I never saw myself in. I shared with these people my desire to be a missionary, to be a Full Time Pastoral Worker for Couples For Christ. That even though I’ve had this desire in my heart to be a teacher all this time, that even though I’ve had the desire to be married and raise a family, these desires have been superseded by my desire to go full-time for the Lord in CFC. It felt so good to have been able to acknowledge this with all of my colleagues in the room. And it also helped that my instructor is still to this day a practicing Catholic.

Do I feel bad that I’ve spent so much money on something that I will not end up pursuing right away? Of course not. I feel so much at peace, so full of joy with this decision. I know that the Lord will take care of me wherever I will go, wherever He will lead me.

Published by

Kevin Solis

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7

One thought on “Because I’m Happy”

  1. Courageous and very beautiful. A university degree doesn’t necessitate a career in one’s field of study; rather, it should fuel one’s propensity for making boundless connections between the individual and society. You have always been curious about the human condition and I wish you many blessings for a fruitful journey. x

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