The Bridge

Praise God for a wonderful experience at the TNC in BC. Words could not describe the overwhelming joy that was in my heart in moments like: 1300+ worshipping, Adoration on Saturday evening, during mass on all 3 days, and many more. Also, being called to be the program head along with the Ruiz’s and Hannah was such a blessed experience that I will never forget.

As I leave the airport in BC, my mindset was … “Reflect, Reflect, Reflect”. I wanted to take everything in, process and hear the God speaking to me so that I can realize how to love Him, myself and others more. What came to me was:

1. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE – This is one of the resounding messages for me personally that I have heard throughout and after my TNC experience. Despite the emptiness and loneliness I may feel or obtain, the Lord will always be there for me in the Church, the community and through other people. “The Holy Spirit will always be with you, as long as you ask, seek, knock. I am with you.”

2. YOU ARE THE BRIDGE – Some people say it is hard to be an evangelist because sometimes people who do not know the faith at all find it hard to understand our conviction and love for God. A good example of this can be in our own families who are not in the community. Sometimes we tend to ignore them because we feel they wont “understand” what we go through. But really, those are the people who need to be the most loving towards. Father Robert explains it really well in his youtube video on “Intentional Discipleship”. It has come to me that as a missionary, which we are all called to be, we are to be the bridge to those who do not know the faith or who are not convicted in Jesus’ saving grace.

How do we become a good bridge?

Simply being kind, generous, loving and implementing the gospel in our words and actions. Yes it is good to know the doctrines of the church but showing Christ in the simplest way will be more effective in helping others realize Christ more. We have the inexhaustible word of God in our hearts to share to those who long for Christ. As St. Augustine says, we all long and desire for God whether we are an atheist or convicted catholic.

And that’s the good news. We all LONG for GOD.

We are all called to be the bridge for others to realize Christ. To plant seeds on good, thorny, rocky or even bad soil, referring to all people. Let’s do a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) to everyone everyday.