Let go, let God

The Lord made it exceptionally clear as to why He’s moved me forward but there are times I turn around and just reminisce. This is where I lose focus, and start to feel the anxiety and somewhat pain I went through in the past.

Don’t you just feel that sometimes you just have unfinished business with someone else. And although we’ve learned to be the bigger person and let it go, you can’t help but think of what exactly would happened if you did reach out for that “closure”? We no longer feel like the bigger person.

I found myself holding a grudge, that although I told myself I was over it, I was still hurting. I couldn’t admit to myself that they hurt me and because I pushed it so far behind me, I still face the consequences today by burdening myself.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).

Christ does not fail to show how deeply He loves me whether or not I reach out to Him in such difficult times. My heart becomes so fragile when I turn back to this situation because this person just meant so much to me. They also fail to recognize that what they’ve done also hurt me a lot. But Christ also reminds us that in order to really be free from any hurt is to truly forgive the person of all wrong doing. This will also help you move forward with Christ.

Dear God, help me to realize that people will be people, and that fallen people, even those I trust, will sometimes hurt me. Cast away the burdens I’m facing because I know they are not a part of Your will. Right now I do not understand Your ways but strengthen me to accept Your will. Grant me the grace right now to let go of my hurt. I entrust this situation to you. I thank You that I am in good hands. You are the God of truth. Keep me pressing forward. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9