W + w = S

I recently started doing the 33 Days to Morning Glory and this formula discussed by St. Maximilian Kolbe caught my attention.

W + w = S (God’s will + our will = Sanctity)

According to the book of Romans, God is calling us to be saints. As St. Kolbe discussed, in order to be saints, our will should be united to God’s will. After reading this, I saw myself reflecting on these questions: What is God’s will? What is our will? What is my will? Is my will in the direction to God’s will? Is my will united to God’s will?

This equation seems so simple but in reality it’s not easy. Most of the time, we have the tendency to follow our will because sometimes we see it as the “right” thing to do. Sometimes we follow our will because that’s what the world tells us to do so.  Sometimes we follow our will because it’s the “easy way out.” Then we forget about God’s will. I, myself, am at fault for this.

I am a very controlling person, in a way that I plan my day. Sometimes, I even write a schedule to my day and if something goes wrong, I get upset. If I am given a schedule, I am always so anxious to follow it. I am also an over-thinker. I think too much of what’s happening that most of the time I forget the reason why I am doing it. Sometimes, I don’t even finish certain things because I think way too much. Sometimes, I tend to over-schedule my day and make it so tight. Or even in things that I do, for example, in planning my day, if something goes wrong, I feel upset because it didn’t happen the way I wanted it to wanted. But is that what really matters? What if the way I wanted it to happen is not the way God wanted it to do so? What if because I think too much, I’m not giving space for God’s message to be revealed? Most of the time, I think I forget about this, I forget about God’s will and plan, which are the most important things that I should always be remembering.

This made me realise that I should be more sensitive to God’s calling and plans. I should learn to live my day not according to my plans but to God’s plan. If something goes wrong, I should not feel upset because maybe that incident needed to happen because God wanted it to happen. What made the day wrong maybe will be the one to actually make it right. Everything happens for a reason, may it be good or bad. There is always a learning experience from it. In fact, every single moment of our lives is a learning experience given by God, a learning experience that should be applied not only to our lives but to the rest of the world.

This is such a good reminder for me to always surrender myself to Him. In making decisions or plans, to remember to ask myself, “What would God do? What would He want to happen?” Because at the end the day, we are still called to be saints. We are called to unify our will to God’s will. 

Lord, please let Your thoughts be my thoughts, Your words be my words, Your actions be my actions, and Your will be my will. Amen.