random thoughts

I was recently blessed with the an opportunity to hangout with a brother and we decided to make frozen custard with a new ice cream machine their family purchased… And it didn’t taste bad lol. The taste was there but the consistency of it was not what was expected. In our attempt, I remember how much effort we had to exert to make it the best frozen custard we can make. We tried fairly hard even though it was the easiest recipe to make on the recipe list. We had all the proper ingredients, utensils, measured everything down to the teaspoon, and followed the instructions exactly as written up to the churning point (haha). When it came to churning the mixture, we even churned it a bit longer to make sure it was all goooooood to goooo. When I saw the final product, I was kinda confused and thought “that does not look like ice cream.” But it did taste good. We decided to let it freeze in the freezer, but even after it didn’t look the way we thought it should look.

The entire story reminds me of how the Lord created me. I know I’m not God but I know for sure he created me intricately, unique and with so much love. It boggles my mind knowing that we tried so hard to make ice cream from a simple recipe and could not do it properly, yet God creates a human being every day perfectly.

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; that I know very well” Psalm 134:14

He really is great and unfathomable. It brings me great joy knowing that He has invested more than I can imagine into creating each human being. I, along with everyone else is wonderfully made. It teaches me that each human being is delicate and worth something. I think something wonderfully made by God the Father means something dear to him. Something worth loving and even dying for. And the God-Man has affirmed me of that by  seeing past my sinfulness and shame to see His beloved and accepting death for me on the cross. And it got me thinking more, do I see the beloved in God’s beloved? Do I love the poor, the rich, my family, non-believers, or His persecutors? If I do not see every person as Christ sees them, His beloved, then how can I say that I love God when my real love for Him is reflected in the way I love everyone.

Mother, show me how to see as you see Christ. Show me how to love as you loved Christ

Totus tuus