Planning anxiety!

Yesterday we had our first official Kids Village planning for our KFC Conference (Kids Village) for GTA & Hamilton. To finally see the progress start and put to work was a little overwhelming. Being this Kids Village my first time ever leading and coordinating it.. I didn’t take in until that very moment on how much work we have to do in order to make this conference a successful one.

But then I was reminded, I was blessed with such an amazing team. A very hardworking, supportive and loving core. From the CFCYs to the CCs in our service team, I truly believe The Lord put every single one of us together because He knows our love for KFC as one will outshine the work we’re about to tackle the next three months. I was also reminded by our Area CC Tito Mel on how all of this wouldn’t even be possible without our God. We could be doing so many other things but we’re here devoting our time because we love Him so much, enough to serve these children in Kids for Christ.

I simply cannot waaaait for the next few months and the actual Kids Village! All our hard work, strength and passion (tears and blood.. kidding) will be poured into this Kids Village because we’re bringing back many things we haven’t done in a couple years.

Lord, I can’t thank you enough for granting me this opportunity to be able to serve Kids for Christ. For moulding my heart to be so calm, patient and so passionate towards children only so we can continue to help mould them to be Christ-like leaders of tomorrow. Please continue to guide us as we continue to plan and implement our ideas for this upcoming Beloved Kids Village! All for You, Lord! I surrender my plans before You. See if there is any corrupt way within me. And lead me in the everlasting way. For Your Kingdom and Glory. Amen.

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9