A SHOUT of God’s Love, His Faithfullness, and His Affirmations …

Just coming back from the 2014 Eastern MV SHOUT, I feel like I have a spiritual hangover … I mean that in a good way =) These past few days (from Wed. to Sunday to be exact) has been a SHOUT (literally God’s loud voice) of God’s love, His faithfulness, and His affirmations.  Personally, this is the second SHOUT that I have ever attended, the first one was just earlier this year for SFC, but I was only able to attend for a couple of days.  So I guess this was my first official SHOUT, wherein I stayed the entire time (excluding the few hours I was away due to my class).  I truly praise the Lord for allowing me to experience what I have experienced the past few days, and I’m glad and I praise Him that I have other brothers and sisters who are taking this journey with me!

In this SHOUT, the Lord has really spoken to me, and made His voice loud and clear.  He has affirmed me in so many ways.  Seeing His affirmations not only personally, but also for the community, and for my other brothers and sisters, reveals how amazing God truly is.  He is so good, He is so amazing, He loves us all so much.  He is patient with us, as He continues to call each of us closer and closer to Himself, as He calls us to come, to come and follow Him.

There is so much I want to share about, from God’s messages, His affirmations, relationships that were built among other brothers and sisters, and amidst all these having His Love, Peace, and Joy in our hearts despite the sleep deprivation hehe. I don’t want to write a book in this blog lol … so I guess I can share about the affirmation God has spoken to me about my family.  My family has gone through many ups and downs.  The Lord has truly affirmed me of the love He has for my family.  Last night as I was going through my journal notes from the SHOUT, I came across the passage 2 Samuel 7:16 which was used in Session 2.  So I took out my Bible and for some odd reason I started reading that passage and kept reading more after.  Then 2 Samuel 7:18-29 really spoke to me (I hope you can read that passage too:))  This affirmed me (from Session 2), of the blessing of my family and the love He has for my family.  Despite the imperfections in my family, He is still taking care of all of us, and He will take care of my family.  It’s like He was telling me, “Mark, do not worry, I love your family, they are in the palm of my hands.”  This really touched my heart, I mean, who am I, a man who has at many times felt like I’ve failed them, failed at showing them the love I need to show them.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my family so much, and I think that is why the Lord has spoken to me about them, letting me know that in mission, I don’t exclude my family, but I am to include them, to love them the same, and love them even more, trusting them in His loving care.

The second part of the passage (verses 25-29) also speaks to me about one of the affirmations in the SHOUT to “build,” to build a “house,”  to build His house among all His people.  I know the Lord is building His dwelling place in my heart, as He builds and blesses the house of my family.

He wants us to build His house, He wants us to build up other people.  He wants to use us as His hands and feet to touch the hearts of others.

Just throughout the SHOUT, I truly felt God’s love in all of our hearts, like a fire burning in our hearts.

So as He calls me to come to Him, to follow Him, I truly ask for His Grace and Mercy, for His Love and Strength, to guide me, to lead me, to use me, as I take up the call as His follower, as a current Mission Volunteer in CFC Singles for Christ, to engage in the mission of Couples for Christ, to BUILD the Church of the home, and to BUILD the Church of the poor, and to further push forward in the community’s vision of families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth; wherever I am called to serve, so that He may be glorified.

Rise oh generation rise
Hear the sound of faith its calling out to you
Rise oh generation rise
In His love we are invited to the Truth
Let the light of hope empower and consume

Rise oh generation rise
And together we will lift the name of God
Rise oh generation rise
And united we will be His hands and feet
To proclaim unto the world that He is King

We sing for all You’ve done
We will stand united singing
Kingdom come
You have set a fire burning
In our hearts
We will keep on building

Rise oh generation rise
Let a shout of praise resound in all the earth
Rise oh generation rise
And united we will be His hands and feet
And proclaim unto the world that He is King