What’s left?

For some context, I’m a behavioural therapist for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders and I work for a private home-based agency. This means that I go to client’s homes to conduct therapy sessions with their kids. I love my job and I love the kids I work with… but if I’m going to be real with you, then I need to say that, I had a crazy work week. I dealt with really difficult behaviours this week (full blown rolling-on-the-ground-screaming-kicking tantrums) and I got bit for the first time.

With that said, I was also dealing with anxiety for “Level Up Training”. The anxiety grew as the week progressed because I really didn’t know what I was doing until Friday. Yesterday, I helped to pilot the new Level Up Community Based training in GTA. It was a 12 hour day and most of us in the service team literally did not sleep. I know, it’s horrible. I am NOT advocating for sleep deprivation. Trust me, those who know me well can attest to my LOVE for sleep. I will never understand how I could physically manage being awake for 36 hours and still be coherent.

Overall, I had a crazy week and Friday/Saturday was the culmination of what this reflection is really about.

This week had me running on empty. I reached my stress limit on Thursday evening…but with Level Up preparations, I was called to go beyond my limits – physically and mentally.

On Thursday, I felt like I had nothing to give. Everything I had was already distributed out to the kids I had sessions with, the families and parents worked with…and when asked for more, my response was “What’s left?”

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. – 2 Corinthians 12: 9

Grace – the chance to speak face-to-face with the CFC Youth Chapter Heads and Couple Coordinators; the ability to witness the missionary heart of GTA grow even more; the countless blessings.

I don’t know if the CFC Youth of GTA will ever truly know how much you have changed and blessed me. I will always chase after God because of you – because when I have nothing left there is only God– and you all deserve more than I what I have left.