An Empty Square in my Google Calendar

My schedule for the month of May is packed. It’s awesome to see my Google Calendar so colourful lol. Praise God for He fills my days with so many ways that I can glorify Him.

Unexpectedly, last Thursday freed up. And with the amount of things on my plate, I tried to move things around so I can get some of my tasks done. But none worked out. I started to feel uneasy because it was unusual for me to have a free day.

On the way home, I bumped into a sister from my home chapter. We ended up hanging out. It was very humbling to get to know someone I only met a few months ago, someone 10 years younger than I am, and someone so passionate to grow in her faith. Then when I got home, I talked to another sister on Facebook chat. We had good times, started to confide in each other and just talked about how we’re both doing. And to top off the evening, I ended up talking to my two younger sisters.

It’s sad how I can get so caught up with the many things I have to do that I tend to forget the things that matter the most. I love the moments when my sisters would come to my room, sit on my bed, munch on my snacks, make fun of each other, and just be silly together. But I especially love the moments when we would talk about how we’re doing, what’s happening in our lives, be the support the other needs, and just simply get to know each other more.

I felt like the Lord was telling me to find time for things that matter. And when I wasn’t able to do that, He Himself cleared everything for me. It’s funny how I tried to fill my day and tried to make things work but I’m glad He remained firm because it truly brought me joy.

Dear Lord, you truly know what I need. Thank You for reminding me in times when I forget or in times when I can get so caught up with things I have to do. Thank You for the love You’ve allowed me to feel through the sisters in this community. Most especially, thank You for my best friends. Virgin most prudent, I ask for your prayers. Amen.