Love has no boundaries

We often misjudge of what it’s like to be a member of this community. Other’s also feel that sometimes, being a CFC-Y has so many limitations and restriction that it’s hard to “freely” act, live and choose.

Have you faced a situation where your values and attitude shifts when you’re not in a community event/around other brothers and sisters? I’m guilty for that… I felt like a different person with the people I surrounded myself with through high school and first year of university.. But then, I would use the community as a form of escape from “reality“. Why does being a member of CFC-Youth have to be so difficult and so constraint?

What I’ve learned is that being a CFC-Y, you’ve committed yourself to something bigger, something greater and something long-lasting. I may not be perfect and it may take time to turn away to temptation. But it only came to the realization that I’ve said no to multiple things only so I can say yes to the Lord because I believe that the “yes” I’ve committed too will give my heart the satisfaction it yearns and because I love the Lord enough to willingly say no.

But I also learned that our love for Christ shouldn’t be limited within the walls of this community. I mean why should it be right? As a member of CFC-Youth, I’ve figured our love for Christ is evident but why should that love be restricted only while we’re only surrounded by other members of CFC-Y. If anything, my love stemmed from this community and this community is the water that has helped my love for Christ grow beyond what I have ever imagined.

If our love for Christ is so true and we believe that what He has planned for us is something beyond our greatest endeavours, then a simple way of giving back is to freely live, act and choose as He does, the way He would want us too. Once we’ve made that decision to surrender to Christ and have faith in that yes is when we can live as free as our hearts desires. His love has no boundaries, because if it weren’t FOR Him, we wouldn’t even be here. So why abuse that privilege?

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God. who loved me and gave himself for me – Galatians 2:20

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9