This Mission is Real

He died at the age of 23. We met back in junior high. Though we lost connection as years passed by and our lives became polar opposites, he was still a dear friend to me and randomly bumping into him was a joyous encounter. I couldn’t believe it when I woke up Sunday morning, realizing that he was gone–shot in the neck and pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. He pushed a friend out of the way and took the shot himself. Because he would. He loves those around him so much that he would literally give his life for them. When it comes down to it, most people wouldn’t.

I think there are a lot of people who have this ill-perceived judgment that people who get caught up in the streets are terrible, heartless thugs and that ‘they deserve whatever they have coming to them.’ But he wasn’t like that at all. In fact, most of them aren’t. If you took the time to get to know them, you’d find that they love their family and friends deeply and are always loyal. And just like most people, they too have experienced difficult situations.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t condone or support that ‘street life.’ In fact, i’ve actually experienced a lot of heartbreak and tears witnessing some of my friends be so caught up in it–sometimes to the extreme that they are in life-threatening situations or are imprisoned. Most people wouldn’t guess that some of them used to be heavily involved in their church(es), regularly attending bible study and singing as part of the praise and worship team. They’re just lost. And without the Lord, who among us wouldn’t be?

When I look at my own life, I thank and praise God for the gift of this community. It is within CFC-Youth that I first met the Lord and He used this community to relentlessly pursue me. Without this community, street life would undoubtedly be my lifestyle as well. And as cliche as it may sound: through the grace of God, I was saved. When I look at our youth, I realize that they too could have easily been caught up in it. And  the reality is that, for some, it may actually be at this current moment, whether or not they’re ready to approach us about it.

The death of my friend was like a huge blow to my stomach. I realized the severity of our calling to evangelize, serve, and love the youth. More importantly, I realized that the Lord asks us to introduce Christ to them daily. If you ever second guess whether or not you should pick up that phone at 2 am, pick up the phone. If you ever question whether or not you should pick up a youth during the late hours of the night in strange neighbourhoods, pick them up. If ever a youth shares with you his/her struggle, struggle with them in faithful prayer and Love. And if somebody tries telling you that serving our God through this community or the church is a waste of time, look them in the eye and say from the depths of your heart with love, “this mission is real.”

Lord, You know how hard it was for me to write this. Thank You for courage and love to share this part of my life. I pray that we as your servants may empty ourselves daily and allow You to dwell within us so that all those we meet may encounter You instead. Lord, when the going gets tough, may Your love carry us through. Through the unceasing intercession of Mama Mary, may we foster  a relationship and environment among the youth you have entrusted to us that they may always be directed to You. Regardless of whatever may happen or whatever they may do, may we Love them for the sons/daughters that they are, just as you love us and them.

For the soul of my dear friend, may he find eternal rest in Your embrace. 

For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the whole world.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us.


Published by

Jessica Salunga

Just a girl with a big heart in tiny Winnipeg, MB :)