Matthew 5:37 “Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no.”

This was the passage that caught my attention when we had our lectio divina at our previous household last Friday. This was actually not a part of the passage that we talked about, but for some reason, I randomly opened my Bible to this gospel and saw this verse. As I was reflecting on it, I asked myself a question,

What does it really mean to say yes?

Last night, I was talking to my counterpart. We were talking about some song promotions and the conversation went to songs that he has covered and posted on-line. He then shared a link to me of the song he covered a long time ago called “Absolutely” by Starfield. The chorus goes something like this…

Jesus, You have me completely
Every breath that I breathe
I am absolutely in love

Jesus, I am Yours forever
All of me surrenders
I am absolutely in love with You

As I was listening to the song… the line “All of me surrenders” caught my attention. Then I remembered the question that I asked myself.

What does it mean to say yes?

A yes is not just an answer, but a commitment.

At Almighty 2012 Conference, God revealed to me something that I would never forget. Let’s just say that that conference set my heart on fire. After that Conference, I decided to just keep saying YES to the Lord. It’s almost about two years now, and looking back, I realized something, that with every yes comes a bigger responsibility (I know….Spiderman-ish..LOL), but it’s true.

Since Almighty 2012 Conference, my life has been very different. When you say yes, it doesn’t mean that everything’s going to be okay and it’s going to be easy; in fact, it gets harder every single time. But the funny thing is, when you start saying yes to the Lord, it feels like you don’t want to ever stop anymore because of how beautiful each yes has been. It is through our YESs that we witness God’s love, and there’s nothing more beautiful than witnessing this and being a witness of this to other people as well.

A couple of hours ago, I was asking a brother about a service for an upcoming event. It was a very short conversation but he shared something beautiful to me. He said…

“You know what, we just had a camp last weekend, and heading to the camp, I was really hoping to be part of Music Ministry, but instead, I was asked to be a facilitator. I didn’t mind it and I said yes. Then now, I am hearing this from you, and I am so amazed by how great our God works, that He indeed has better plans for us, we just have to keep saying yes to Him.”

This is such a great reminder and affirmation from God that if we say yes to Him, He will reveal something greater to us. His desires for us are far greater than our desires for ourselves. I know it’s scary to just keep saying yes to Him, but it’s all worth it.

A YES means a lot more than a YES. A YES is FALLING ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with Him. A YES is a FULL SURRENDER to Him. A YES is seeing and accepting that He has a plan for you, a GREATER PLAN for you. A YES is putting your FULL TRUST in HIM. YES is a WORK IN PROGRESS.

Jesus, You have me completely
Every breath that I breathe
I am absolutely in love

Jesus, I am Yours forever
All of me surrenders
I am absolutely in love with You

All I am is Yours, only Yours.

Let my yes mean yes. Amen.

Praise the Lord!