Jesus Move

This past week (last week) has really been a very busy yet very fruitful week.  We just had the 2014 CFC-SFC PreConference here in Toronto, with this year’s theme: DESIRE, with the anchor verse from Mark 10:51, ‘then Jesus said to him, “what do you want Me to do for you?’ The blind man said to Him, “my Teacher, let me see again.’”  This PreCon has truly been a blessing, and I honour each and every person who served and participated this year. 

This year’s theme really speaks loudly to me, God is asking me, “Mark, what do you want me to do for you?  What is your desire?”  It’s funny, when I hear God asking me what’s in my heart, I can easily say, “well Lord, You already know,” but I think God is asking me this question not because He doesn’t know what’s in my heart (since He already knows everything, He searches deep within my heart), I think it’s about Him revealing to me and helping me figure out what my true and deepest desires are, these desires which He alone has placed deep within my heart; desires which can only be satisfied by Him alone.  Praise God for Ryan Mina who gave one of the sessions for the PreCon.  When I first joined SFC, Ryan had always been someone who inspired me in my faith, who helped me grow, and someone who I truly looked up to, and I still do today.  God reminded me once again, through Ryan’s session, that God alone can satisfy my deepest desires, nothing else.  He alone can fill me to the brim.  Although I may try and look for worldly pleasures and happiness, it is God Who I truly long for deep in my heart.  God alone can fill that emptiness which the world’s pleasures offer. 

So now, after listening to God throughout the PreCon, I ask the Lord to FILL ME TO THE BRIM, to use me where He desires.  I long for Him.  This longing I have for the Lord, to know him, to love Him, to serve Him, and to one day be with Him forever in Heaven, only comes from Him, the Giver of all good things. I am forever grateful for his seeds of Grace which He alone has placed in my heart which draws me closer and closer to Him.  So I thank the Lord with all my heart, for as much as I may think that I am myself am initiating my service to the Lord, it is Him Who calls and draws me, it is Him Who anoints, it is Him Who calms the storm in my heart, it is Him Who moves within me, and I thank You Lord for Your goodness and mercy.

Here’s a song which was sung by one of the competition bands in the PreCon which has captured my heart:


Let the power of God fall down on us
Let Your power fall down right now
Let the Spirit of God pour out on us
Let Your Spirit Pour out right now

For Your Glory and You only
What You say is what we’ll do
Let Your passion become action
Holy Spirit come move

Jesus we’re alive to glorify Your Name
Let Your Spirit rise among us now as we sing
Jesus move

Let the love of God come alive in us
Let Your love come alive right now
‘Cause we don’t want to leave until we’re changed
So here in our hearts God have Your way

Dear God, weed out of my heart anything and everything that is not of You.  Have Your way in me.  Jesus, move within me, in Your mighty Name I pray, Amen.