Free your mind (…and the rest will follow)

“Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” (Luke 24: 45)

This line hit me yesterday from the Gospel.  As someone who overthinks a lot (#understatement), I have my “thinking spells” where I just sit for some time and just “think”: about the day, people, life circumstances.  There are times I have come out of some, and oddly somehow, actually felt more Confused rather  than gaining Clarity…which is the purpose of thinking in the first place! What’s worst is somewhere down the line, and unconsciously sometimes, my heart  then starts to get frazzled #metaphor.  An oversupply of thoughts “does travel downwards”, and if it’s negatives on the day, people, life circumstances…my heart sure feels heavy.

Lesson learned: What starts out as a Head problem can eventually become a Heart problem-if we’re not careful.   No wonder the prayer “take all my will, my mind, my memory.”

Only God can lead us to true Understanding. Only God can lead us to true Peace.  Our own vision of and efforts towards people, places and circumstances will always fall short of the ones the Father holds.  No human wisdom can replace His. No human “no-how” can outsmart God.   It is only His action in our lives that will make us holy, and empower us to to serve and love others selflessly.


Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!