Full of Silence

“I think it is very important, that union with God. You must be full of silence, for in the silence of the heart God speaks. An empty heart God fills. Even Almighty God will not fill a heart that is full – full of pride, bitterness, jealousy – we must give these things up. As long as we are holding these things, God cannot fill it. Silence of the heart, not only of the mouth – that too is necessary – but more, that silence of the mind, silence of the eyes, silence of the touch. Then you can hear Him everywhere: in the closing of the door, in the person who needs you, in the birds that sing, in the flowers, the animals – that silence which is wonder and praise. Why? Because God is everywhere and you can see and hear Him; but we cannot see and hear Him if our heart is not clean.”

– Where there is love, there is God. Blessed Mother Teresa.


There is so much peace and joy found when are truly silent. I love the part where Mother Teresa says, “silence of the heart, not only of the mouth, that too is necessary – but more, that silence of the mind, silence of the eyes, silence of the touch.”

Silence doesn’t necessarily mean completely distancing ourselves from the world or being in a corner with our own thoughts, though that is not bad in itself. I believe that the kind of silence Mother Teresa speaks of is the kind where our hearts are at peace wherever we are – at work, at home, at an assembly, at a conference. The kind of peace where we know God is in love with us, and we are in love with Him, and we are silent in Him because we see His love everywhere. And no matter where we are or who speak to or who is around us, we spiritually exchange glances with God who is across the room and say, “Hi. I’m here. Thank you for loving me.”

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. 🙂