
The last week has been such a test of my trust in the Lord. Being tested every single moment of my day. Trusting in the Lord on the trails he has placed in front of me. Testing my endurance of my heart and my personality. I had my moments where I just wanted  to give up and questioned why God has placed me where I am at the moment.

Let’s say he has sent me people to really affirm to about who I am and why I am here at the very moment and they told me in some way or form. That I shouldn’t change who I am but become a more perfect version of myself aka Ambrose 2.0!

Trusting in the Lord is the one thing he wants from us. Everything that he gives us is for a reason even know it may feel like it isn’t. And that he is showing us something even more greater than what we can see. There is always a great plan that he has for us and the world.

“Lord, help us fully trust in your will that it may help us to become more perfect versions of ourselves. We ask this in Christ our Lord, Amen.”