
Christ has risen! The Lord has blessed us all today. His resurrection restores us in ways our minds cannot even begin to fathom. The outpouring of God’s love on Good Friday was so extreme, it overcame death and we all know the endlessness of His love. Today, I witnessed the overflowing fount of His love as it flowed through my family.

I’ve always wondered what it would be like if my whole family served the Lord.

While journeying in this community, it is inevitable to grow in the desire for the whole family to serve God, especially as a young devoted Catholic. In the past I have been envious of other families where all members served, regardless if it was related to the CFC ministries or not. I’ve experienced the greatness of God in my life and I wanted my family to experience Him more than I was. The Lord softened my heart by revealing to me His faithfulness.

It’s becoming more rare, especially now that we’re growing older, that my immediate family is complete, even for a meal. Usually we’re separated by our different schedules and finding time to all be together is difficult, but our God is generous. My older brother was able to make it home for the long weekend, my parents were off from work, my sister was free for the most part (one work shift), and my schedule was empty. We spent the entire Saturday watching movies and enjoying each other’s company, not too often do we have time to do that. On Easter morning, we all had breakfast together. I may be wrong, but I don’t think we had breakfast altogether, at the house, in years! Praise God. We then headed to mass together, something that we haven’t done together in a while. God is so great! The Lord then brought forth a surprise that brought the warmest joy to my heart. An usher asked my family to serve as part of the offertory procession. Our God is so awesome! My family agreed and this was our first experience serving the Lord together, as one family.

The Lord definitely grants us the deepest desires of our hearts. Jesus is the source of love and unity. He showed me today that He has plans for my family and that we’ll journey together in His time. Christ did not only die for my sins and conquer the grave, which is more than I could ever ask for, but He continues to bless my family in overwhelming abundance.

Thank You Lord. Thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for His passion and resurrection. Thank You for my family. May You always be the center of our lives. Help us to love one another as You have loved us and aid us in sharing the blessings that You shower  us with every single day. All praise and glory to You Almighty! Amen.

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