
Last weekend, I went to Victoria with my counterpart to conduct a Household Leaders’ Training and Camp Training. Although I love going to the island, as a result of my love for the mission and the people I serve with and for, I felt my heart held back even a tiny bit. I was saddened that I would be missing the debut of one of the sisters I really care for. Then I started thinking of all the possible events or occasions I will be called to sacrifice for the sake of the mission. And I was moved to even greater sadness.

Until I reflected on Christ. Christ did not hold back on giving His all for the mission of our salvation; His body, blood, soul and divinity in the institution of the Eucharist, His life on the Cross, and His Mother at the foot of the cross before His last breath. I, too, am called to give my all without reservation all because of love.

My Jesus, grant me the grace to serve You wholeheartedly. Let me love You through my acts of submission, and not just through my words. Mother Mary, I ask for your prayers that I may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.