Spring Cleaning

Cleaning. I wasn’t too fond of that word before, but as I grew, I became quite fond of it. I started cleaning more in the house, cleaning in other peoples’ houses, and even cleaning the place around me. I even recall a recent moment with my good friend, Ellen, where we sat at a gazebo area in Milton, to witness to a drunk person throwing his beer cans in the bushes by the pond after being filled with frustration that the stranger he approached did not want to drink with him.


It literally felt like we were on a legit mission, staking out whether or not the drunk man had left. And when the coast was clear, we headed for her car to grab some plastic bags. We began to pick up the beer cans that the man had thrown away, and then a few beer cans became a few pieces of garbage, and next thing you know, we were cleaning the whole gazebo and pond area!

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to stay in the home. It can reach out to everything around us. But I think as this late spring approaches, God is calling me to really clean up the cracks and crevices of my heart. It’s the inner home He is calling me to.

Spring is when the flowers begin to bloom,
and life sprouts from the ground and flies in the air,
and it nestles in the trees,
bringing itself to our homes.

LIFE is a part of this ‘spring cleaning’ I have been coming to know.

In an SFC event called, ‘Princess Diaries’, they had stated that we are like gardens. But I have allowed a few weeds spread here and there. I’ve cut them off, but I haven’t dug them out from the roots. Quite honestly, there have been so many things that a long while back, God had to strip all the grass off and plant a completely new garden and He is tilling the soil. He’s helping me dig out the weeds that have grown in dry soil and He feeds me with the water of the Holy Spirit, purifying my heart as I await the bloom of spring.

SPRING CLEANING, to me, is not so much about cleaning my room, which I admit, still needs a little work, but it’s about allowing my heart to take its time and to not allow it to be swoon or overtaken by the dandelions that may grow. They may seem like flowers, but they grow from dry grounds. I must tend to my heart and make sure that the fruits aren’t blooming in spiritual dryness.

The real bloom is that of which is done with patience and grows on moist and fertile ground.

And even that takes time. But I know that although I don’t know, He does, and I trust in Him. So there is no need to worry. Who knows, maybe God is tilling my spiritual life so that one day, someone can stand in awe of the garden they are standing in, the same way I continue to stand in awe at this gazebo/ garden pond. There, I feel peace; There, I feel at home. And I only hope and pray that I can bring this peace and home to others as well.
I know He is continuing to make this more and more personal for me. His love is meant to be shared. With His will… In time… In His time <3