My First GG

moms bdayToday is my Mom’s birthday. Yaaay!!!

On Sunday I had a quite emotional talk with my friend’s mom. I call her my adoptive mother and I cried to her for the first time.

On Monday my friend Yrma posted on her FB account “I miss you so much Mommy, I wish you were here to hug me tight”.

Another close friend of mine will undergo surgery in a few days, he’s wishing his mom is on his side.

Now can you blame me if I say I miss my mother sooooo much?

Today is a very important day for me and my family. We are celebrating our mom’s 80th birthday. The woman who carried me and my siblings in her womb, the woman who worked hard with my father to raise us all up. The woman who would always respect and support my decision even tough sometimes it makes her feel sad. The woman whom I shared my first heartache with. The woman who stood up and fought for me when I didn’t get the First Honor award in school (Love you Boc, I am glad friendship prevailed! Lol!) and she would keep fighting for us. I can go on and on with my list, it will never end because as our family grows – from her grandparents to her grandchildren, so does her love. And this makes me ask myself: What have I done for her?

As we reflect on the passion and death of our Lord, let us not forget the very special role of His mother. Every time I watch the movie Passion of the Christ, there’s one scene there that always makes me cry: Mary watching His Son being scourged and crucified. She was in very deep pain that she couldn’t even shed a single tear, that all she could do is stare at His suffering Son.

Like Mary, our mother will do anything for us. And I believe that when we’re in trouble or in pain, they are hurt even more. Mothers are gifts. Gifts that God sent to us so we may receive His gift of life. There may be times we think they fail us, but we should realize that they always strive to be the best mom for us… EVERYDAY... because they love us.

I have always been praying for God’s gift (if you are in CFC community, you know that God’s gift means boyfriend or girl friend), and of course I still pray for it. But I think I should not forget that my mom is the very first gift God has given to me… a big influence to who I am now. In the family we sometimes call her “Miriam Defensor” because seriously she would never stop arguing until you got her point. I remember asking Vince what he thinks my skills are, he answered “Debating”. I am not sure whether it was a joke or not, but that suddenly reminded me of my mom, who’s best at it. (I love you mother!)

If there are times you’re finding it hard to convince me with your opinions, blame it to my mom because she taught me to stand for what I believe in, and to analyze things like a scholar does. Hehe! But if there’s good thing in me that you appreciate (hopefully there’s at least one), she’s also a big part of it so could you please thank my Mom by greeting her a Happy 80th Birthday? And tell her I miss her and I love her.

Friends, our parents will not stay with us forever. Tell them you love them and show it! Not tomorrow, not on their birthdays. Do it now. #jet

One thought on “My First GG”

  1. Awwww! Mare, what a beautiful blog! When you sent me a message immediately after my fb post. You made me smile☺️. You made somebody who terribly misses her mom so much at that time. Thanks. Your blog inspires me.

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