In one if my classes, three major papers that were written were all group work papers. Today was our final class and my previous group had a chance to look at our last paper. On the title page, I saw that my name was circled. After my entire group had a turn to look over the paper and it’s corrections, I took it last and read through all the sections of my part to see where I went wrong. Besides the little citation issues and wording, my section was okay. So what did I do wrong?!

There’s something about me that when I feel something is out of place, I start getting nervous. So I stayed until the end of class to speak with my prof. I asked her “Miss, why is my name circled? Is everything okay?” And she looked at the paper, then back at me, unsure of why exactly she circled it. “Oh! I remember! Your name is circled because in your groups peer reviews, your name stood out in all of them in who helped out the most” I’m like “Oh… *blush*” Then she goes “Fatima did you realize your name was mentioned in all three group papers?” I told her I didn’t know .. And she said “But I’ve noticed in this paper, your individual mark suffered a little” which I agreed on. And she said “It’s okay to help out, but sometimes you need to be greedy too” I wasn’t sure where she was going but she continued “I mean, with your grades. It’s great to know that you’re very helpful but you need to focus on yourself too. It’s not a bad thing”

I was one to not necessarily put others before myself, but I am one to always offer help where needed. When she said that it’s okay to be greedy, in my head I said “No, it’s not..”

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. – Hebrew 13:16

Doing this mild gesture of simple acts of kindness, not just through papers but everywhere else is just a little piece of what I can give back to The Lord. Jesus helped just about anyone and everyone that he’s ever passed during his journey or whoever reached out to him and yet, he still remained humble. We continue to give with no expectation of receiving something because it shows that we are in a right state of heart and that it accords with the Lord’s nature. He continuously gives with no expectation but to remain faithful to Him.

Published by

Fatima Nicolas

My name's Fatima-Rose Nicolas and I currently serve as Metro GTA's Kids for Christ Program Head | Joshua 1:9

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