Planting Seeds

Proverbs 22:6 6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

My mom was such a faithful follower of Christ. Prayer and constant union with the Eucharist was such a part of her life. Even when she was stricken with cancer for more than 36 years, her faith never wavered.

I, her son, was such an opposite, a once a year church goer, praying only when there is a need.
How fortunate I was that my Mom planted the seed in me by the way she lived her life. It was a seed that remained in me, waiting for the right time to grow, even in my dark days.
CFC was the water, the fertilizer that allowed that seed of faith to grow.
Now, called to serve the youth, I am a farmer, planting the seed of Christ into our young ones including my children, so that one day, whether they remain in this community or not, this seed will grow and Christ will be more alive than ever in their lives.

Thank you, Lord for my Mom and for calling me to this wonderful work with the youth.

Tito Gee