100 Days of Happiness

I once heard someone say, “100 days of happiness is dumb…” It was in the context that there should be more than just 100 days of happiness and more than one thing to be happy about. But in fact, I disagree with the statement that it’s dumb. Some people have been accustomed to be unable to easily pick out one piece of happiness every day. So in fact, this challenge is quite heart-warming…

In the world we live in, everyone is always “on the go.” Even when people aren’t really busy, they make themselves busy because the reality now is that BUSY IS COMFORTABLE. It’s true. I, among many others, used to think the busier one is, the more successful, accomplished and competent it makes them. But what is the value of this competence and so-called ‘success’ if it only brings a temporary moment of pleasure in the simple claim of a title? When this temporary pleasure passes, we begin to work like drones again with perplexed looks on our faces and anxiety written all over our mind. And then life becomes a roller coaster… an endless ride of ups and downs. I feel as though I live in a world where we chase temporary pleasures, which is why I think this “#100daysofhappiness” challenge is actually as smart move for humanity.

Yes, it is ONE thing every dayBut it is always something diffferent. And it brings back memories and emotions of happiness that many hold very dear and have boxed up in a keepsake box that is never opened again, OR some sort of happiness that we have taken for granted. This challenge allows us to open our hearts once again and TREASURE one thing at a time instead of glossing over the value of happiness something or someone brings. It allows us to use our hearts once again and surf above the tide of being too intellectually set; it allows us to open ourselves to simple happiness and correspondingly, LOVE.

According to statistics and research, it takes 21 days to break and/or make a habit.

In participating in this challenge, we are allowing an old habit of putting treasure and value back into happiness every single day. In this challenge, we are pulling ourselves away from a HUGE Velcro of false pleasures, and in turn, making ourselves busy in the different ways of love… for ourselves, for one another, and for Life! It’s not easy, but it begins with Day 1.

100 days of happiness? It’s not a challenge. It isn’t a lame fad. It is far from dumb. It’s the beginning of a beautiful lifestyle!