“Just a Moment…”

We just finished our household today and one of the teachings came from Max Lucado’s article “Just a Moment.” All of us definitely agreed that it was extremely hard to imagine that someone so omnipotent, almighty, all-powerful, and all-loving could have taken such a lowly form. That from the moment Mary said yes, she conceived of the Holy Spirit and the Word was made flesh. That he went through a normal life – growing up from a baby to a toddler to an adolescent to a teenager to a young adult. That Jesus had feelings and emotions, that he felt hurts and pains, that He truly understands and empathizes with us and knows what it is like to be fully human, yet fully divine as well.

“God made Himself approachable to us humans so we could understand Him. We cannot understand God in all His perfection but we can understand His Son and His suffering as we would of others.” – Martel, Life of Pi

I am thankful for the household that the community entrusted to me because we are a household filled with brothers varying in knowledge of the faith and status of heart. Every time we come together, I am affirmed in my anointing. Every moment we are together, I get to find out more about how the Spirit continues to move them in their own lives.

To think that it only took one moment in time for the Saviour of the world to take on a human form. We ourselves experience many moments in our lives – some moments fleet by us without us acknowledging their existence, some moments we treasure and ponder in our hearts. I love my household, and every time I see them I make sure they understand that. So I encourage you, brothers and sisters, to take “just a moment” everyday to thank God for your household, a household that has feelings and emotions, that feels hurts and pains, that truly understands and empathizes with you.

Published by

Kevin Solis

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7