Too Blessed to be Stressed

John 11:41-42

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

… Jesus looked upward and said, “Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me.” 

The title for this post is actually borrowed from my girlfriend. It’s one of her favourite hashtags that she uses to remind her that no matter how crazy life is, the Lord is greater and each blessing is a reminder of that. So this week has been filled with many blessings that I just wanted to share some bigger ones with you:

– Getting the week of Conference off from work after it was initially denied
– New projects to do at work
– The Skytrain being delayed so I could go to Confession

I originally thought I could fit and detail specifics for each of the blessings that I listed above but my thoughts were so limitless that I knew that I would just go on and on and on without ceasing. That I would run out of words for my praise and thanks for the Lord’s  graces just as they are so abundant and never ending.

Ever since I’ve become a(n) MV, it’s been pretty busy. Yet,  I’ve been more aware of the blessings that the Lord has given me both big and small. Blessings that come whether I ask for it or not. Blessings that seem hidden that they are actually in plain sight. Blessings that occur when we need it the most.

Lord, thank You for my life, for the miracle of waking up everyday. I am a sinner but yet you still continue to pour Your blessings upon me. You fill my cup with more that I could ever ask for. Father, no words can truly express how thankful I am. I love You and I pray that You continue to use me as Your instrument here on Earth. That my service be my way of glorifying You, praising You, thanking You. Amen.