Photo Enforced

photo enforcedLast Monday I was driving to work, it was a rush hour and I was one of those who try to beat the clock. It’s Monday, what do you expect??? I was driving fast but tried to keep my limit (of course taking advantage over speeding tolerance, which I love! :p). Then suddenly the driver in front of me stepped on his break and slowed down – on a green light. And I figured out why: On that intersection is a sign: PHOTO ENFORCED.

In Manitoba where there is 10kph over speeding tolerance, most drivers go beyond the speed limit, and then slow down when they know they’re passing by a road camera. For those who know my driving, I know what you think; I am guilty of this too. Come on, all the drivers are! 🙂

We just love to run fast, and then slow down when we know we are being “watched”. Sometimes people are not aware and will just be surprised by that 1/40,000sec flash (I am exaggerating). It’s a pain in the pocket, I know, but there are just some lessons that we need to learn the hard way.

Oftentimes, this busy world requires us to move faster and tend to forget that God is watching us… watching our actions, watching our thoughts, watching our words. And we are all aware of that and still we choose to violate some rules… we become impatient, we skip our prayer time, we judge people, we hold grudge, we let our pride rule…

We choose to give in to our weaknesses. We choose to ignore God.

Take time to slow down, because unless we do, we will not see the warnings on the road. Unless we slow down, we will not hear what God tells us. We will go where we want to go, do things our own way not seeing the warnings God is presenting to us. And sometimes God has to use His “flash” to get our attention. He takes photo of us so we can evidently see how fast or how far we’ve gone and what we’ve done wrong. He has to put us in different situations, sometimes painful situations that don’t just let us slow down, but have us take a full stop.

Friends, don’t learn things the hard way. Follow God’s directions. He is watching, twenty four hours. #jet 🙂