The Clay Pot with holes …

As I write this blog, and as I think about what has been going through my heart and mind lately, I ponder on the things God has asked and called me to do in my life.  From the little things to the bigger things, God seems to keep calling me to new heights, to new beginnings, to new journeys, calling me to serve Him continually.  There was a point actually this week when I questioned (rhetorically) … “why.”  I wonder why, in the brokenness that I seem to have, and in the weaknesses and failures I have in my life, and in the things I am going through, I ask “why would God keep asking me to do things for Him, thinking to myself, but I’m so bad, I’m this and I’m that” …. of course there is something in me that convicts me to serve the Lord, and that wants to, but there is also something that makes me see how unworthy I am in being asked to do something for God.  I mean, who am I really … but a big sinner.  Yet He keeps asking and leads me to Himself.  In this I see the Love of God.  That in my weaknesses and brokenness, He continues to shower His love and His blessings and His Grace in my life, that He continues to call me, a broken and imperfect sinner (one of the worst to be honest, lots of things I need to work on in my life seriously), closer to Himself.  Despite my stubbornness and disobediences and sins, He doesn’t give up and does not let me go.  It’s like He is running after me.  This actually reminds me and urges me to share about the story of the broken clay pot … it’s too long to include in this blog, but if you can, I would ask you to Google it and you can read it there.  It’s basically about two clay pots which were used to bring water.  One of them was cracked, and so the water would drip out as the pots were being carried.  The cracked clay pot would feel ashamed and apologetic for losing all the water through this flaw that it had.  Little did that pot know that the water that was dripping ended up watering the seeds which the “water bearer” planted and it sprouted flowers!  The water bearer knew about the clay pots “cracks” and flaws, and took full advantage of it.  This is how I see God work in people’s lives.  Reminds me of Paul’s encounter with the thorn on his side, when God told him that His power is made perfect in weakness.  And so this then allows me to ponder on how God truly uses the humble in heart.  And so I pray and ask the Lord, to get rid of my foolish pride, and to make me humble, not with a false sense of humility, but with true and real humility, that comes from Him alone.  So I ask for everyone’s prayers as I take these steps with you in this journey of faith.

May God be praised.

One thought on “The Clay Pot with holes …”

  1. Mark (Co)! this beautiful!. I pray that our Lord continue to unfold many things for you. Praying for you bro. 🙂

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