Slowly falling into place

Well let’s start with saying sorry now for my bad grammar in my blogs. lol


For the last week or so I have been really thinking of what I was going to write for my first blog as a Mission Volunteer. For few days I thought about it and after those few days it slipped my mind for some old reason. Today was such a blessing even know I am not in California for Grace and Ian’s wedding. I am truly blessed I got to go to the CLP tonight. It was truly a reminder of who I am and why I am here.

I felt  God telling me tonight that I need to be more patient with myself and to wait on what God has planned for me. I would say the last 3 months has been a test of my patients and faith. Waiting on interviews and the email saying I have been accepting to the MV program.

I am truly blessed to be in this situation. Being accepted into MV program and attending the SFC CLP at the same time is amazing. The reason why is I am learning so much about myself in the CLP that I need to be better servant in the MV program. I am thankful for God for putting these two program together at the same time! So that I may grow up and still be young at heart serving the youth.


Two new journey to only bring me closer to God!

Thank you for the gift SFC Edmonton.