Love moves

My journey continues in this beautiful community. I used to be an open book. I used to serve and love everyone whole heartedly when I first joined in 2006.  I used to always say yes to whatever was asked of me, because I wanted to be someone that people could count on. I used to be selfless, kind and humble. I changed. For the past 4 years, I have become opposite of all those things. I closed myself off from friends because I felt hurt. I became hateful, prideful, and jealous. I started saying no because I didn’t want to feel like I was being walked all over on. I started seeing everyone through darkness. I started living blindly.

I am changing. I have said yes to being a Mission Volunteer, because I have finally chosen to let God take the lead. I am trying to be a better sister to those around me. I am trying to view everyone in God’s light. I’m yearning to love others unconditionally, and completely be the daughter and sister that I was meant to be. I want to live a life so that others may see Christ in me.

“Trust in God and He will help you; make straight your ways and hope in Him.” –Sirach 2:6

Lord, may Your love continue to move me. 

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Hello! My name is Alexis Paguio, but everyone calls me Ch'lex. Made to serve the greater mission beyond waters. The year to love more than ever.

2 thoughts on “Love moves”

  1. Thanks, very inspiring sharing. Because of God’s love, He will change us to a better person.
    Continue to serve the Lord.

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