Ave Maria, gratia plena.

Today we celebrate the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, Mary’s fiat to conceive of the Saviour of the world.

I had coffee with a brother from CCO (Catholic Christian Outreach) one day. I remember that when I was still in CFC Youth way back then, I led the camp that he joined. I also remember that a couple years later, after not having seen him or heard from him, I led a worship at a Campus Based GA that he came out to. He approached me afterwards and told me that it was like coming full circle and he thanked me for the worship that I led that day.

Anyway, since that GA, we would randomly meet up for coffee at Bamboo Cafe near Joyce Station and we would catch up with one another and how our lives are going. So when we had coffee for the first time since that GA, it seemed like we just talked the whole day about anything and everything – music, art, our faith life, sports (which was rather a short conversation since I don’t know much about sports). He told me something that will always stuck with me. He honours the community for our devotion to the Blessed Mother which is something that he constantly strives for now in his prayer time.

Mary has always been a big part of my prayer life but I never fully embraced her importance until this conversation. See, we always ask for her intercession because how can a Son say no to His mother? Jesus is not exempted from that. Her intercession is very powerful.

Mother Mary, thank you for your yes to carry the Saviour of the world. Thank you for continuing to intercede for me. As I journey into the beginning of the yes I gave in serving as a Mission Volunteer for Western Canada alongside my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, please continue to intercede for us at your Son’s right hand that the mission of the True North continues to persevere and grow. 

The Father has great plans for the True North. Let us continue to grow in love and service for our God. Let us continue to say yes to whatever the Lord has planned for us, whenever and wherever He may be calling us.

Ave Maria, gratia plena. Dominus tecum. 

Published by

Kevin Solis

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7