The Invitation

The other day, I caught myself staring at a Eucharistic Minister (not for the reasons that you assume :P). I couldn’t take me eyes off him – he was very tall; he had dark curly hair, and he had an aura to him that made him look like some kind of angel (I honestly couldn’t even tell if he was male or female).  As he was distributing the Eucharistic, I noticed that he looked so intimately and intently in each person’s eyes and shared the Lord with so much joy – such an inviting gaze. I imagine that the Lord would probably have the same loving disposition. How delighted he must be when he is given the chance to be united with us and to shower us with his infinite graces! And how many times have I refused this loving invitation?

Lord, I approach you with so much hesitation because of my sinful nature, but I can’t help but feel that the feeling of unworthiness in itself is preventing me from approaching you without reserve and with true confidence.

All those times I’ve refused your personal invitation into your heart… For all the times I’ve failed to understand the remedy and healing that comes from receiving the Eucharistic for my weak soul. Lord, I want to accept every invitation that you ever extend to me, for I know that you are a God that does not seek a perfect disposition but a heart of good will.  Let my heart be one with yours.