“Cutting” Season By Nate Abarca

My reflection is taken from Nathaniel Abarca, KFC Program head here in the Big Sky Region.


In Upper HH with CG we were asked to reflect on what Lent means to us and I just wanted to share what Lent means to me!

If you guys can remember my last reflection, I stated that the kingdom on this earth will perish and all of its contents but the kingdom of the Lord is eternal. Take this and apply it to working out. I often found my only working out for the sole purpose of looking good but truly this is not the reason the Lord called me to the life I have and for His Son to expire. — Sooo vain right? My body will totes (Totally) deteriorate and be old(er)– But truly the calling is to live a life of good health and in reflection it came across to me that good health means so much. If we aren’t physically ready for the mission, how are we gna get up out of bed and truly be read to be send out where He wants us?

This garnered a change from bulking season to CUTTING season (reduction of weight in muscles to produce a better tone ie less fat). More cardio, more stamina to do more work for the Lord in being physically able to go out on His mission!

Now in Lent we are called to fast — usually taking away something that inhibits you– right? But take this into consideration: we are called to CUT! Cut in fat to be ready for the mission physically in my case. But we are called to cut things out of our lives that inhibit us from fulfilling the mission EMOTIONALLY, SPIRITUALLY, AND MENTALLY in fulfillment of our Lord’s calling “DENY OURSELVES AND TAKE UP OUR CROSSES”

And truly by this, Lent is the ULTIMATE CUTTING SEASON to be fully ready for the Lord in His resurrection!!

Oh Father in Heaven help us take up our crosses so that Yours may be that much lighter!

In the Mighty name of Jesus, through the intercession of Mary and Saints Benedict of Nursia, Michael the Archangel, and Padre Pio.


It was really nice to hear His reflection for this evening’s Area  Household. He was actually the first one to share and had the least amount of time to think of what to say. He has so much to offer and I am so glad that the Lord has blessed Him with the ardor and desire to preach the Lord’s “Word” (PROMO… GO TO RYC!)  accurately and passionately.

Praise God for Him. Praise God for the Brothers. Praise God for our struggles that we continue to experience in order to grow.

Answered Prayers.