Be here

I’ve been here in Texas for a few days now and just having all this time alone…a lot of thoughts hit your mind.

I guess I realized this;

Just the way the Lord carefully places certain things in your life…imagine how timely those situations came whether at the time it was a victory, or even a struggle. Imagine where you are now…or at least for me anyways, you realize how active the Lord was in every single second of our lives..

Sure, there are a lot of things we need to learn, heal from, reflect on…but at least know this…

You are still here today. You can handle whatever is front of you. There are people God has placed in your life that are there for you. Never give up. Keep Praying. Keep giving more of You, to love all of Him.

Lord, may I always be motivated by You. Inspired by You. To love like You. To be like You. To accept like You have accepted.

Deo Gloria