Places (Introduction)

On Places and their Significance.

“It was on a Mountain that Moses received the 10 commandments and where Jesus taught the Beatitudes. When we think of the Desert, we think of the fight in struggling against temptation. It is in a Garden, where we feel Loved. Where Adam and Eve first learned to Love, each other and God. The Passion of Christ is not about His capacity to endure physical pain… He isn’t Rocky Balboa. But about the pain, the very human pain He felt, as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.” – Father Francis Mckee, Palm Sunday Homily

There used to be a time when Boxes used to be part of my everyday Place. For a good 2 years working for a computer retail store, I spent most of my day confined to a Small Hallway receiving and opening 2-4 pallets of Boxes. I learned how to wield an Xacto knife with finesse of a Kung Fu Warrior and lift 27-inch screen desktop computers with grace and poise of Dancer. It is in this Place where I felt the longing for something more -like, seriously, beyond boxes- and beyond security (I worked with a great team, and got paid well). But it was also where the Lord helped me identify true Peace from the false ones ie: Boredom, Apathy, Lukewarmness in my everyday disposition.

I applied for the Mission Volunteer Program for CFC-Youth Canada this year, and I am writing my first weekly post here in the Philippines… Isn’t that crazy? On my first day, I commuted 6+ hours to and from a dangerous marketplace and almost got ran over by a jeepney multiple times in the process. It is in this Place that the Lord is sharpening my presence of mind, as Saint Ignatius of Loyola would say, “to be aware” in all things. It is in this Place that I am learning about patience… Trying to get back home, when the rest of Manila is rushing to do the same for Holy Week, is the greatest teacher. It is in this Place and in dealing with intense, 26+ degree heat, I am honing my spontaneous prayers… Cue in Sergio Mendes and Will I am: “It’s that heat/ that heat, that heat, that heat/ it’s that heat yo!”

It hasn’t been easy to get to this Place. But much like my posture in saying Yes to MV, I am choosing not to dwell in the past, but looking forward to what lies ahead (Philippians 3:13). May every “Yes” uttered (big or small) in any place – the Philippines, a Receiving Hallway or Any other Everyday Place- be fueled by our pure response to Love Christ back. “We Love because He first Loved us.” – John 4:19. Knowing this has made everything much clearer. Surrendering has become easier (but not easy) in intimately knowing that life is given and fashioned by a God who Loves Back.

Reader, I look forward to further sharing my reflections with you, and I pray that you are also encountering Christ in your everyday Place. A Blessed Holy Week to you and to everyone… The Son Rises soon.

With Love,

Who am I? My Name is Ellish Maigue-Talacca, a 25-year old university graduate with a BA in Human Relations-Applied Human Sciences and a college degree in Media arts. I have been in CFC-Youth since Winter-Spring 2003 and I am now currently serving as an Area Music Ministry Head for CFC-Youth Montreal. Random Facts: My favorite color is Mustard Yellow, my favorite Psalm to sing is 73.26, and my Mission Prayer is Mother Mary’s Magnificat.

Published by

Ellish Maigue-Talacca

Psalm 73:26. Hello! :) My name is Ellish (not Ellen) and I'm a Full-Time Pastoral Worker for CFC Couples for Christ Youth, originally from Montreal and stationed here in GTA. Feel free to reach me at

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