
No, not the credit card. I’m talking about that amazing phase event where it requires you to just simply give your all. Giving your all to the point where your giving something you didn’t even know you had.

With that said, every day should be a discovery.

And now we begin…

Something that I’m not good at is most definitely being knowledgeable about the faith in a sense where some people are just really book smart or they can just answer CCC questions etc etc

But what I did discover about myself this week is that, being that kind of knowledgeable can be worked on, but what needs to be worked on now, is just choosing to love happily.

So your saying…you have a heart of stone?

No…but what I am saying is despite the baggage we carry, despite the current daily struggles in life, the service we carry out in the community requires us to give more.

Give more when you are tired. Give more even at the heaviest of hearts. Give more to those that need you.

We can’t dwell on the things that just simply don’t add up to the love that the Lord has for us.

So what things do add up?

Absolutely nothing can add up to the amount of love the Lord has. That’s the point. He wants us to be happy. The more you can give yourself for the Lord, the more He will be more evident in those struggles, complications, desires and turn it into something even greater.

Lets spread that message. The life we live would not be a life without the lessons received in sacrifice, prayer, struggle and love. God has been great. There is nothing on this earth we cannot handle. Lets remind ourselves of that everyday. Lets continue to love. Lets continue to be happy.

Lord, may I see you through the times of unhappiness. May I be reminded of Your calling to share the love that you have shared with me through the rest of my life. I love You. I will love those around me. May I choose to give more of myself in proclamation of Your glory and in proclamation of your endless love which we can find every single second. Guide me. Father me.

Deo Gloria

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