Stay Joyful, Keep Praying

It’s true when they say that in this community, there are so many people looking to you even in the smallest details. It really does test you to just remain steady and joyful at almost all times.

I guess I’ve been tested recently in this. All I remember is that God tested me in just being able to remain positive and stay joyful. I totally failed that. I just remember being really uncomfortable, just not myself. I remember going home and just wanting to crash into bed and forget the whole thing.

Boom…I know, we all have those days.

Point is this, in that whole situation, I didn’t look to God at all. I completely made the whole thing about myself and let it turn my heart to stone even if it was for a moments time.

So…what did you do after?

In just reflecting from last weeks reflection I wrote in things just taking time, it all just comes down to this:

Everything works in God’s time but that doesn’t mean you should be stagnant in your prayers. Look to Christ in all things. Even in matters where you just don’t feel yourself. Christ may be trying to teach you something. Be vulnerable. Stay joyful. Keep praying.

Lord, no matter what comes my way, may I be able to just continue to love and continue to spread the joy You bring to my own life. I want to know You more.

Deo Gloria


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